Two Built-in Gmail Features That makes Your Emails Management Simple And Time Saving

It is very easy to have a messy inbox with emails of unequal relevance staying in the same place. Today, there are a massive amount of online businesses seeking for whom to send their newsletters on a daily basis. Most times, some of these emails hit our inbox without us bothering to read them. This thereby leaves us with a saturated inbox with so many unread messages. Knowing the exact place to look whenever you open your email application for the mails you want to read is a time-saving setup we all should have. If looking up information on your email inbox is becoming very difficult or time-consuming for you; then this post is for you.

Four Computer Shortcuts You May Not Have Used

computer users
Computer is one tool that is designed to help us achieve more by doing less. But as the technology advances, our rate of achieving more by doing less is now dependent on how conversant we are with the tool we use. As more features are added to the technology tools we use, the more tasking it becomes for us to remain proficient in our usage of the tool. There are some hidden windows PC shortcuts that can help you achieve double results by just doing one thing.

How to Protect Your Facebook Account From Hack- Complete Guide

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Having a Facebook account is not enough, but having a secure Facebook account is the key. How will you feel after building your brand on Facebook for many years only to lose the account to a scammer in just a day. We are going to discuss the key ways you can make your Facebook account impossible to hack even by someone that has your login details without your knowledge.

How to Remove Unwanted System Apps from Your Phone

android phone
Most times, we do have system apps we carry around on our phone which we don’t need or use. But they are there because we don't know how to uninstall them. Or because we can’t uninstall them using the normal app uninstall methods. These apps are what we call bloatware.

WhatsApp – Long Existing Features You May Not Have Used

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WhatsApp is a great instant messaging app that is updated regularly to improve its features and to patch security bugs. Most times we are always used to our previous version of WhatsApp that we become so unaware of the newly added features that follow each update. Just recently, WhatsApp has decreased message forwarding limit from 5 to 1 this is to help in their quest to curtail the easiness of spreading false information.

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