internet security

How to Turn Google Search Engine into a Hacking Tool

Searching for information on Google should not be a struggle at all if you have any of these tips at your disposal.

Searching for information on the Google search engine should not be a struggle at all if you have any of these tips at your disposal.

Limiting the options of search results Google gives you as you search is one way to lay hand on the information you need fast.

I will show you a few basic keywords that can help you get what you need fast from the Google search engine.

1. Site: This is used when you want Google to limit your search on a particular web page. This is helpful when your search is focused on a particular company.


Remember to include the colon (:). Google will only index information from the website you specified.

Try it out.

Remember: In tech, you don’t know it until you practice it.

2. Intitle: this will limit your search results to the title you gave.

Intitle: “food”

This example will limit your search results to only things concerning  “food”.

Remember the colon after the keyword.

Try it out.

Intitle: keyword can also be a good tool for website penetration testing.

Searches like ( intitle:”index of”) can be used to access the directory of a website. Results from this search will show you the backend folders and files of the website you are searching for.

Also, you can use searches like ( intitle: “index of” wp_content /uploads) to get to a specific folder; or intitle:”index of” Naija songs mp3; if you want to get songs directly from their storage folder or directory.

Remember: this is for educational purposes.

3. Filetype: this limits your search to a particular file type.

Example :
filetype: pdf

This will give you search results of javascript that are pdf files.

There are other useful keywords you can research on. Like

cache: etc

Though Google may not be used only to hack your website; the truth is that Google can index any part of your website including your sensitive information if not protected.

How do you then protect your website or app from Google hack penetration?

This is the main reason why you need an expert to handle your website development and be more careful how you use content management systems.

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