Detect Scam and Malicious URLs: Essential Tips for 2024

URLs (Uniform Resource Locator), also known as Web addresses, are the most common tool used by hackers and internet scammers to deliver weapons to their target victims.
URLs (Uniform Resource Locator), also known as Web addresses, are the most common tool used by hackers and internet scammers to deliver weapons to their target victims.
Many complain today of their WhatsApp account being hacked, but the question is: was your WhatsApp account really hacked?
IP stands for Internet Protocol address . It is a number used to identify a device on a network, thereby making communication with the device possible.
Multiple-user support is no longer a feature for computers only; Android phones now come with multiple-user capabilities.
One fact about privacy and anonymity tools is that using them on platforms where your identity has been registered makes them useless.
The social media platform is one tool we use that can be used to spy on us by our friends or foes.
Social media applications like Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, etc. can be used concurrently on two phones without one noticing.
One of the most common means through which people get hacked these days is through social engineering.
Despite how cyber conscious you are, there may be times when you get hacked owing to some little mistakes.
An unsuspected mistake of allowing your WhatsApp or Telegram to auto-download images or attachments might make you susceptible to hacks or breaches without you knowing.
Remember, it is not even a question of whether we will get hacked or not; rather, it a question of when and how often it will happen.
Being able to identify breaches early when they happen helps us to kick hackers out of our system fast or limit their access once we notice their presence.
Enabling two-factor authentication for your account is not enough; you also need to avoid these five mistakes.
A website security scan is something you should do whenever you have doubts about the security of a website you intend to visit.
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